Roselle Cleansing Bar
Our cold process cleansing bars are handmade with botanical ingredients that lend a helping hand to a purposeful process. The combination not only cleanses physically but, coupled with our intention card, it helps to connect with the energy of cleansing away emotional debris.
Roselle, a 4.5 ounce bar, is crafted with roselle botanicals (Jamaican/West African sorrel flowers). This combination is said to assist with inhibiting demeaning and negative thoughts.
Included with your order is an intention card to help you in connecting to the energy of cleansing away emotional debris.
No fragrances or colorants are added to this soap. Use directly on skin, with a soap sack or wash cloth.
Usage Recommendations
No fragrances or colorants are added to this soap. Use directly on skin, with a soap sack or wash cloth.
Please use all herbs, oils, and candles responsibly.
Our items are charged, cleansed and carefully selected for you. Because of that we are unable to accept returns or exchanges.
ALL SALES ARE FINAL as the represent the physical and energetic exchange thanking place on a universal level.SHIPPING INFO
All items ship within 3 business days of order being placed.
Our Earthy Disclaimers
*Sankofa Legacy and its owner are not responsible for any harm, damages, and losses resulting from the use of products from this shop. Purchasing this product signifies your acceptance of this statement and releases Sankofa Legacy, LLC and it's owner from all liability.
*Please note that we are unable to make any claims relative to any outcome(s) pertaining to the products offered for sale. It is for this reason that we cannot elaborate on the spiritual details of this product. As per Federal Drug Administration requirements, Sankofa Legacy items are sold as curios - not guaranteed to provide any specific abilities or results.
© Sankofa Legacy®, ™ 2016-2020
No part of the content, designs, images, product trade name(s), trade product design(s) and product(s) can be used without prior express written permission. All rights reserved.